Custom Build Process

We're excited to help you realize your perfect custom solution.

Step 1


To get started, please fill out the form below. Share any dimensional constraints, operational needs, use cases, and diagrams you may have. Don’t worry about getting everything perfect – a simple napkin drawing is excellent. A designer will follow up as soon as possible, generally within one to two business days.

Step 2


Through our initial consultation, we’ll determine what case style best fits your requirements (ATA or Broadway) and help align your ideas into our proprietary architecture. Our designers will walk you through every step, carefully considering your needs and suggesting possible solutions. To ensure you receive the perfect workflow solution, we include three cycles of design revisions.

Step 3


Once we reach a design you’re happy with, a sign-off on all plans, and a deposit, we can schedule your build in the shop. Our CNC, drawer, and build departments will process your plans, verify all parts, and begin construction. We’ll send a final invoice as your project passes our exhaustive QC process and the ship date approaches. After we receive the final invoice, we will release the build to you, your crew, or one of our trusted shipping partners.

Step 4


When you receive your custom solution, we ask that you inspect the shipment, take photos, and verify that everything is correct and in good order. We’re always just a phone call or email away if you need any support during the life of your case.

Your job demands the most from you. Demand the most from your case.

Let's get started!

Fill out the form below and we will contact you to discuss the project.